Creating an Azure Service Principal for Platus Integration

To enable Platus to collect your Azure resources, you need to set up a Service Principal with the necessary permissions. Follow these steps to create the Service Principal and obtain the necessary credentials.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Azure Account:
    • You must have an active Azure account with administrative privileges.
  1. Azure CLI Installed:

    • Make sure you have the Azure CLI installed on your system. You can download and install it from here.
  2. Permissions to Create Service Principals:

    • Ensure that you have the required permissions to create Service Principals and manage roles within your Azure subscription.

Step 1: Create a Service Principal#

  1. Login to Azure CLI:

    az login
  2. Create a Service Principal:

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "PlatusServicePrincipal" --role "Contributor" --scopes "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>"

    Replace <subscription-id> with your Azure subscription ID.

  3. Save the Output: The output will contain the appId,displayName, password, and tenant.

The output should look something like this:

"appId": "clientId",
"displayName": "PlatusServicePrincipal",
"password": "clientSecret",
"tenant": "tenantId"

Store these credentials in a safe place. You will need them to configure Platus.